VDU & DSE Assessments


Improve life at the workstation

Visual Display Unit (VDU) and Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments ensure that workstations are set up correctly and are safe for the user.

In order to minimise any risks to the individuals at work, appropriate steps need to be taken. This could be in relation to the:

  • Chair
  • Desk
  • Computer monitor
  • Keyboard & mouse
  • Surrounding environment

This assessment is a legal requirement for every workstation, where an employee spends more than one hour a day.

a necessity for modern workplaces

legal ergonomics icon

Comply with H&S requirements

Any changes made to workstations must meet the requirements set out by the Health & Safety Authority

Reduce work-related injuries

Assessments can relieve pain caused during sitting, increase work productivity and create postural and positional awareness.


Meet your employees’ unique needs

Our assessments take each person’s unique characteristics, posture, work practices and demands into account.


Make your office an optimal working environment!

Small ergonomic changes can have a profound impact on someone’s workstation and remove serious strains. Desks, chairs and screens can all have a serious impact on a user’s health.

VDU and DSE assessments can eliminate these risks and make your office a healthy and safe working environment.

To get started, fill in the form below and our team will reach out to you to assess your needs.


Get in touch

Email us: ergonomics@spectrumhealth.ie Call us: 01 518 0493

Our team is here to help!

Understanding which ergonomic assessments your company requires can be difficult. To help you identify these needs, fill out our programme builder. You will receive all our recommendations for free!

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